Mandala Artwork – An Artistic Way To Manage Stress

Mandala Artwork – An Artistic Way To Manage Stress

I love painting my canvas with a splash of colors. It rejuvenates me and makes me feel calm, composed, and relaxed. My first guru who introduced me to the world of colors and creativity is none other than my father. Later I got trained in basic art by my teacher Ujjwal Sir and the journey continued. A few art forms I learned from online classes and YouTube videos improved my choice of color, the stroke of a brush, and creative thought process.

Mandala is one such art form that I learned online. I found immense peace of mind when I devote my mind and soul to making one. A moment came in my life when I was in absolute depression but failed to express the anxiety and stress I was going through. Mandala came as a savior for me. It helped me overcome the stress, and I slowly and steadily moved ahead without any medication. Today I can proudly say that yes, Mandala art helped me to discover a new improved me who believes in myself and is confident. Why is Mandala known as an artistic medium to manage stress?

Let me take you on a tour to the world of Mandala.

People in today’s fast lifestyles have little time to stop and introspect on their emotional patterns. Many individuals are going through mental health issues like overthinking, anxiety, fear, etc. They are trying many methods but somehow cannot combat the pessimistic cycles.

I will not deny the fact that moments came in my life when I used to feel depressed and equally hopeless.

Hobbies indeed save people from getting in the loop of such mundane patterns. Particularly, when the hobby or inclination of a person is linked to art, it can help a great deal toward emotional stability. Such an artwork is a Mandala, which is much more than just a form of art.

What is Mandala?

The word Mandala has roots in Sanskrit, which means a discoid shape. The object is symmetrical and has a circular orientation. It has spiritual significance in Buddhism and Hinduism. People of ancient times began using Mandala as a tool of meditation and piousness. It is believed that Buddhist monks introduced Mandala artworks to other Asian nations through the Silk Route.

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Later, Carl Jung, the pioneer of Analytic Psychology, leveraged Mandala’s artwork to heal his clients. He believed that the different aspects of this artwork could help one reach towards the unification of the self. The people would find emotional serenity while drawing the art forms. Jung could also decipher what his clients were going through inside by observing the patterns they drew during the therapy sessions.

The meaning of some colours and shapes used in Mandala artwork are as follows:

1. Green means hope and simplicity

2. Red denotes strength and passion

3. Yellow symbolizes willpower, wisdom, and happiness

4. Blue indicates serenity and respect

5. Squares stand for stability and balance

6. Triangles denote change and liveliness

What are the Varieties of Mandala?

Mandala has numerous varieties of Hindu and Buddhist religious beliefs. However, the three prime categorizations of this artwork are as under.

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Healing MandalaThis type intends for self-introspection and discovering the truth about one’s existence. The individual feels relaxed and calm by channelling the energy towards a higher vibration. Working on a healing Mandala can be remedial if the person is undergoing any emotional turmoil.

Teaching MandalaThis form of Mandala aims to teach the various aspects, patterns, and meanings. It educates the people about the significance of the objects in philosophy and religion. It also teaches the students the art of visualization and mental mapping to create the Mandala.

Sand MandalaThis type has special importance in Buddhist culture, and monks have long used it as a religious element. They use sand to draw intricate designs, symbolizing that nothing is permanent, just like sand.

Outer Mandala This kind represents the cosmos or universe, and Buddhists offer it to others as a symbol of thankfulness.

Mandala Colouring – An Artistic Therapy

Like any other form of colouring, Mandala artwork has various aspects and rules. The colours and shapes have different meanings, intending to reduce stress. Repeated colouring over symmetrical patterns allows the person to divert the mind from unwanted or mundane thoughts. Not thinking negatively naturally leads to a therapeutic process and enhances mindfulness.

A. The first step to creating a Mandala artwork is to choose the form and gaze at it to understand the patterns. The visualization process initiates the channelization of energy in a positive direction.

B. The next step is to create the Mandala using colours of one’s choice. There are no hard and fast rules to colour the artwork, and the individual can choose any shade to fill the object. The creativity and liberty while engaging in Mandala is its unique nature.

C. The choice of colour reflects one’s state of mind, and different colours have different meanings. Therapists observe the colours people choose and decide how to heal their emotional health. Mandala artwork is especially vital for kids to express their feelings through colours instead of words.

Why Mandala Over Other Forms of Colouring?

Artworks are a passion for some people or a profession for others. However, the subject art form is pretty unique with various reasons for learning Mandala. If anyone is interested in spiritual growth, this form of art can significantly help. Studies have shown that colouring Mandala art helps reduce anxiety levels, unlike colouring blank pages.

Mandala artwork has circular patterns and can represent any event of one’s life or the universe. Any natural episode comes in a circular or cyclic form, such as seasons, day and night, etc., and this artform perfectly characterizes the Brahmaand or universe we reside in.

Colouring a Mandala artwork can immensely enhance concentration as the patterns are circular. It is a therapeutic activity, unlike other forms of colouring. Colouring structured forms have a much more healing attribute than colouring a blank page. It helps the person introspect about life, nature, and the inner world while colouring the symmetrical items.

How Does Mandala Help in Managing Stress?

The source of any feeling in our mind is the thought we create. Each thought corresponds to a feeling, which then turns into a result at an emotional or physical level. Stress is the result of any negative or unpleasant thought we create.

When an individual works on Mandala art, the work gathers all the person’s attention. The person gets engrossed in colouring the piece with concentration and mindfulness. The mind gets so involved that it does not think of any other aspect at that time. The person focuses on colouring the intricate designs, and there is no scope to think of other waste thoughts.

Consequently, there are no negative mental patterns, resulting in relaxation and serenity. After completing the work, the mind and body naturally feel at a higher energy level due to the absence of mundane thoughts.

Benefits of Colouring Mandala to Manage Stress

In a world where almost, every being struggles with stress, Mandala is surely a saviour. It is an excellent tool to feel serene internally and can greatly manage stress. There are several benefits of colouring Mandala artworks, some of which are given below.

1. People can reflect on their lives and decipher the reason for their existence.

2. Studies have shown that Mandala artwork has helped people overcome past trauma. Engagement in drawing this art form led them to process the unpleasant events and eventually come out of the negative thinking.

3. The shape of the Mandala art has special significance in healing a negative mood. The circular aspects can uplift one’s mind and decrease pessimistic thoughts.

4. It is a brilliant method to relax and feel calm, thus can combat stress greatly.

5. Mandala has many physiological benefits as well. These include better sleep, managing blood pressure, activating feel-good hormones, lowering the stress hormone cortisol, etc.

6. The usage of vibrant or soothing colours can increase one’s creativity.

The world has witnessed a lot of upheavals to date and tried many methods to live happily despite the turmoil. Every human struggle to find some way or another to cope with daily challenges, especially on the emotional level. Colouring Mandala artwork is a fabulous technique to eliminate stress and other negative thinking patterns. People can get engrossed in the activity and stay away from unwanted thoughts. Be it for religious importance or spiritual progress, Mandala is just the right solution to attain peace of mind today.

This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla
in collaboration with 
Zariya Healings.