Dr. Krina Pandya- A Passionate Being, Who Wants To Leave Imprint Of Her In This World
Posted by admin
On February 01, 2022
Homeopathy- is one such treatment that remained connected with me since childhood. My father used to bank on this mode of treatment over any other. Honestly it worked really well for me. Dr. Krina Pandya is one of the most gorgeous, talented, down to earth homeopath Doctor+nutritionist I came across in my recent time. There were many queries that was revolving in my mind and I was looking for professional answers for the same. In my recent chit-chat session with Doctor Krina I came to know many things which I was not aware about. Join me to enter the world of homepathy and the journey of a Doctor – a lively session with Doctor Krina.

Welcome you to my world of entertainment and information “Indiacafe24.com“. Glad to have you with us Dr. Krina Pandya. Please give a sneak peak about you and your family.
I have a close knit family of 3. It’s me, my loving husband, and my 3 year old son. I am homeopath Doctor+nutritionist. I am practicing from last 10 yrs. I am from Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
You are from the world of Homeopathy one of the oldest medical science streams. What actually encouraged you to choose this field of studies over MBBS studies?
I have been taking homeopathy since childhood and I was always fascinated with the science which heals from inside out and cures both acute and chronic conditions without side effects. It’s like boon to many people who are discouraged with other pathies.

Dr. Krina what is your area of specialization in Homeopathy
Homeopathy is for all. Homeopathy works from infant to age old. But still my experience is more with pediatrics.
My father used to give homeopathic medications when I was a child. What I felt is that it helps in recovery with time and actions are slow than allopathic medicines. How far I am correct?
Homeopathic medicines works slow is just a myth. It works according to disease course. It works according to how old the disease is. Now if you have disease which is chronic, since years and you can’t expect it to get treated in days. It needs total healing, if you want it to vanish. Also homeopathy works even faster than other pathies when it comes to treat acute diseases pertaining medicine chosen is correct.

In the corona pandemic period which is still going I am sure many came to you for medication? How homeopathy helped such patients in overcoming the phase?
Homeopathy is boon to people during covid. The reason is it helps to treat all the symptoms of covid mild to moderate ones. And covid needs symptomatic treatment so why not to choose treatment which is with no side effects and is safe. All the patients of mine with covid + have got better in symptoms with homeopathic treatment
The patient community do ask this question ” what’s the difference between Homeopathy and Allopathy treatments?” Kindly put some light on it.
Allopathy and homeopathy are complete different science. Well, we study all subjects of MBBS that’s called allied part including our homeopathic subjects. But their pharmacology and our pharmcology are completely different. Our medicines are diluted and potentised till the extent that no crude form is left and thus it goes and affects directly the cells and stimulates our immune system to fight disease.

What are the pros of Homeopathic treatments which Allopathy may lack?
Pros of homeopathy are many like it cures from inside, it give permanent cure. It has no side effects. It works on autoimmune diseases and cures it not just paliates. Only one medicine works on every system of body sleep u don’t need to pop up lot of medicines
What we can spread the awareness about Homeopathic treatments?
Now many people are opting for homeopathy. There is already lot of awareness regarding homeopathic science. But still what we need to spread is that one should definitely opt for homeopathy as first treatment then coming last. As early the better will be results.
Many Patients meet you for treatment … I will love to know the best feeback you received so far from your patients.
Well, for me when my patients comes and tells me that I rely completely on you and for their smallest details they trust me is best feedback for me. One of my patient who was completely cured from urticaria told me that u r just blessing in disguise for me and i loved it.

What’s the future of Homeopathic treatment?
Homeopathy has very very bright future. Now the era of Homeopathy has started. People opt for it as first line of treatment. Especially people who are more aware, more literate and more knowledgeable opt for it.
What else are your passions in life?
I am a terrific passionate being. I love writing, reading, dancing, cooking, talking. If u tell me to speak I ll just go on and on… I love making new friends. I am very very loving person and just get along with anyone if I want to. Very honest being. (See I started about myself ) but my first passion is health I like to stay fit and do workout. If I don’t walk or do exercise even one day, I feel I am missing on something.

What level of support you get from family to take your profession to the next level to help more people with your treatments?
Well frankly speaking I am person of my own. I love doing things which I feel is right. I don’t ask for any support coz my thoughts are different. Also I am very independent person. I always feel I should support others rather than take support but still my husband and my parents are really kind to be help as much as they could.
Any advice for students who wish to take Homeopathy as their choice of studies?
Homeopathy I can definitely take up as the career. You can opt for medical officer in multi hospitals. You can own your clinic, work in trusts. And also go digital. You can opt for research, you can opt for professorship. So there is wide option once you enter the science. You won’t regret.
Please define Dr. Krina in one line?
A passionate being, who wants to leave imprint of her in this world. My one tag line is ” Never give up coz nothing is impossible if u want it “
TOPICS AllopathyCoronaCOVIDDoctor interviewDr.Krina PandyaHomeopathic DoctorHomeopathyIndiacafe24 interviewMedical Officer
Glad you introduced Dr. Krina to us. Homeopathic medicine indeed beneficial for us humans as they have no side effects. And yes. Have also heard that covid patients are also getting cured by it.
Our family really vouches by homeopathy. Most of our illnesses, unless they need deep surgical intervention, are handled by homeopaths. So, it was really good to know Dr Pandya’s views.
Dr. pandya is someone whom I adore for her unique content and fearless endeavour. Thanks for the interview i could get to know her more.
I could learn a lot about homoeopathy. Following Dr. Pandya for more info.
Thank you for sharing this interview. Its really nice to know about such amazing doctors. Enjoyed reading it.
You are an inspiration for many. Keep it up and all the best!
What an amazing interview ???? ????.. glad to know a renowned name in the field of homeopathy
Thankyou for introducing such an amazing person. I was confused before for homoeopathic either it works or not. Your post is very helpful.
Interesting interview and informative as well. Loved reading about your guest! Hope you interview more inspiring people.