Abhinav Singh- The Author In Search of Absolute Truth
Posted by admin
On September 04, 2020
In the last few year’s time, I came across many books, many others, and many book lovers and witnessed a lot of variations in the world of books. In my bucket of a continuous search for quality reads and authors, I met author Abhinav Singh. So what he shared with me…. Continue reading to know
1) Welcome, Mr. Abhinav Singh .. It’s a pleasure to have you on this platform ofIndiacafe24.com. Our readers would surely want to have a sneak peek about you and wish to know about you apart from a writer. Kindly share a brief about you, your education, and your family.
Ans: I was born and brought up in the quaint little town of Shaktinagar in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh. My father served his entire life in NTPC. Surrounded by never-ending stretches of Jungles and mines, that little town was our life. I was schooled in St. Joseph’s. There are still no malls or brands or multiplexes and the life of people is very simple. People used to go to their
friends’ homes without calling and everyone was welcome. When there are fewer distractions people generally tend to look inward and that’s what happened to us as kids.
At a very young age, I was diagnosed with fibrous dysplasia on my forehead which kept on growing as I grew. My limitations and experiences taught me to rely on the power of the mind over muscle or looks. This helped me a lot during my engineering studies at MNNIT Allahabad.
I could never appreciate what was taught and how it was taught and I studied only what I was interested in – Physics. What intrigued me was that when combined with Mathematics, this subject has the answer to all physical and philosophical problems in life. So, I started teaching Physics to high school students from college days as a hobby. And soon it became a profession.
2) Which authors and their work inspired you the most?
Ans: The first fiction work that I ever read was – To Sir With Love by E. Braithwait. This book gave me the necessary nudge to teaching. Later in life, I came across many inspiring books like The Godfather, The Da Vinci Code, The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and a lot more. But I have to admit that movies have inspired me more than books. The Matrix Trilogy, In Pursuit of happiness, Forrest Gump, A beautiful mind, The Imitation Game, and Interstellar are closer to my heart than any book can ever be.
3) Can you recall that moment when you first realized that there is an author within you? Or it was someone else you discovered the author within you?
Ans: I know that the title – Author, comes with publishing a book, but there is no author in me and I have no qualms about that. Authors are people who do magic with words. When you feel blissed about reading something as inconsequential as eating food, you must know that person is an author.
I, on the other hand, like to call myself a storyteller. Stories that people might like to read and get lost in. That is the reason you won’t find my work to be much on words and how to use them. My prime focus is to tell an awesome story in the simplest possible way and prefer to experiment with the story. Someday, after I have written a bunch of books, I hope to become a real author.
4) After going through the list of your Books we can call you a thriller and adventure specialist….. Why do you love this genre?
Ans: No reason in particular. I think it’s my default mode. I may like to move on to other genres in the future, if my experience permits.

5) The Chimera Retribution is your latest work…… Say something about the book and how the plot and concept came into your mind?
The project has long been in my mind. How did the planet Earth come into existence to support life and how mankind evolved? – are the questions that haven’t been satisfactorily answered.
The questions become even more intriguing when we factor in the laws of Physics. The second question was the way God and religions have been corrupted to the point when we need look inward and ask hard hitting questions. The time for being politically correct is long gone and our generations will suffer the cost of our complacency. The entire perspective led to this story and the next stories that I will come up with.
6) You are a Physics Coach then how writing happened in your life?
Ans: Writing happened because I’m a physics coach. The only physics that common people understand is speed, velocity, time, force, energy and other such basic things. Modern-day physics is debating if an electron has a consciousness of its own? Can we create particles just out of vibrations? Can we bend space-time?
Now theories like this are very mathematical and can’t be explained to a common person, so I wanted to blend them into stories. The same way ancient people used to impart wisdom in this country.
7) The conflict between the publishers and authors is very common. Have you faced such a problem while finding a publisher for your book?
Ans: That hasn’t been the case with me so far. Maybe because I never opted for traditional publishing at the first place. I look for publishing companies that are supportive towards the authors and I have been a lucky one in that segment.

8) Share with us about the recognitions you received so far for your work? Which of your published works is your favorite?
Ans: Recognitions haven’t been forthcoming, mainly because I haven’t tried ambitious ways of reaching a larger audience. A mistake that I’m trying to correct. All I can say that my books have excited and thrilled the people who have read it. So Goodreads and Amazon reviews are my only acclaims so far.
9) What about poetry- Does it attract you or not? any plan to try this section of the literature world.
Ans: That is a very difficult question. There was a time when poems were written to narrate stories ( like the Iliad from the west or Ramayana in our country) but it has drastically changed. Most of the poems that we see for many many years are simple expressions of the human psyche – like why a man drinks, why someone is in pain, the beauty of a woman or the beauty of a landscape. I find it hard to appreciate most of that.
10) What type of reviews are you getting about your book? Is there something that you feel you need to improve in your next project?
Ans: The reviews are awesome. The readers have really loved my work. There is always a scope of getting better at my craft and there is no denying that. The most important thing that I have underrated is promotion and marketing. It is very difficult for an author to do that.
11) What are your other passions in life?
Ans: The most important one is to seek the nature of the problems and solve them or try to solve them. The second one is spending time with my kids.
12) What are your future plans- what else you want to do?
Ans: To become one of the most loved authors in the Country. To be able to come up with more stories that people love to read.
13) What next in the pipeline and of what genre?
Ans: Next in the pipeline is a story inspired by real events. The genre is thriller and dystopian.
14) Share some tips for young authors who wish to make a mark in the industry with their work?
Ans: Work on the craft. Writing over and over. It is a skill like no other. No one is born with it and anyone can acquire it given enough time and practice. And when you have mastered the craft of writing, go on to the next skill of marketing, No one can succeed unless both work hand in hand.
15) Define Abhinav Singh the author in One line?
Ans: A seeker looking for the absolute truth and nothing else.
TOPICS Abhinav SinghAuthor InterviewBook ReviewIndiacafe24 interviewThe Chimera RetributionThe Last Attractor Of Chaos
Great Interview. Thanks for sharing