Love’s Legacy

Love’s Legacy

color of love 1

Have you ever wondered

What is the color of love?

What makes it so special

That everyone seems to bow?

Lost in the eyes of a beloved1

Lost in the eyes of a beloved

Lovers find the bliss of heaven

As silken tresses unfurl like clouds

Across a face so full of expression

Intoxicated by the wine of beauty 1

Intoxicated by the wine of beauty

Admirers feel one with the divine

Even angels tend to become snoopy

About this feeling they can’t define

It is a world of such bittersweet pain 1

It is a world of such bittersweet pain

Into which lovers happily tend to traverse

Who can tell what they are likely to gain

By showing all their happiness on others

Love is a not a sentiment just smitten feel 1

Love is  not a sentiment just smitten feel

But rather a power that drives the world

Unfortunate are those who do not heed

To the sacred calls of this heavenly reward!!!

A Romantic Poem by Meetu N