Nasturtium – The Flower that deserves attention for beauty
Nasturtium – The Flower that deserves attention for beauty

Whether you love a colorful garden full of different flowers or want to incorporate some useful edible flowers, Nasturtiums has to be your go-to option.
These beautiful, easy-to-grow perennial flowers aren’t just a sight of beauty but something to add to your salad, pesto, cordial, or cookies.
Here I am sharing so facts you need to know about them!
Nasturtiums and Their habitat
Known for their rich, jewel-toned, saturated colors, Nasturtiums come in over 80 different annual and perennial species. There are native to Central and South America.
These flowers usually come in the warm end of the color spectrum, with the round leaves looking like a mini lotus.
How do Nasturtiums benefit you?
These flowers are edible and a rich source of Vitamin C. You can easily incorporate them into your daily diet.
They have antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. They benefit you in many ways:
A. Treating urinary tract infections
B. Fighting off cold and flu
C. Treating kidney infections, bronchitis, congestion, and respiratory infections
D. Treating skin yeast infections
Different varieties of Nasturtiums to grow
If you are looking to add some pop of color to a dull space in your garden, here are some amazing varieties of Nasturtiums that you can easily grow:
Alaska Series
A treat to the eyes, these Nasturtium cultivars mature 10-14 inches in height, giving you a bloom of mix colored flowers ranging from yellow and salmon to cherry and crimson shades.
Jewel Mix Series
These flowers are perfect for walkways, fences, and flowerbeds; and are an ideal choice for novice gardeners. Among the most edible varieties, they are available in different colors, like peach, carmine, and yellow.
Peach Melba
Growing up to 12 inches, this Nasturtium cultivar is a sweet, delicate flower with a creamy yellow and red-centered bloom. It is a compact, bushy variety best suited for life in a container.
Canary Creeper
These flowers are best planted near fences allowing them to climb and boast their yellow flowers. The blooms spread out like canary wings and hence, its name.
Often overlooked by gardeners, Nasturtium can be easily used for its medicinal uses or as a companion alongside veggies.
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