Blogchatter Author Interview Series- Rahul Vishnoi

Rahul Vishnoi

Rahul Vishnoi is a dentist who lives in Dharmashala with his mother and two adopted community dogs.

He won the five word short story contest by DSC Prize in 2020. His self published books and novels can be found on Amazon.

Hi Rahul, congrats for being a part of the Blogchatter Thriller anthology. While reading your story I got the reflection of a movie of Manisha Koirala having a husband like the protagonist… If not wrong the film was Agni Sakshi……….. is the protagonist husband and Agnishakshi husband same as per you?

Answer – Hi. Thank you. No my story wasn’t inspired From Agnisakshi. I watched that movie years ago and incidentally, this and Daraar both were remakes of a hugely popular Julia Roberts movie ‘sleeping with the enemy’. The theme of domestic violence is quite common around us and i wanted to write about a tale with a twist in which the hunter gets hunted. If you watched these movies, you will find that they didn’t have the twist that I wrote in the story of Blogchatter thriller anthology.

A Husband’s Guide to Set a Wife Right- How did this plot come to your mind? Any real-life experience encouraged you to write this story?

Answer: I wrote it actually four or five years ago. I was aiming to publish a short story collection with violence and suffering as a theme.

How many days did it take you to write this story? As a reader who will you blame more for the climax, the husband or the wife?

Answer – I really can’t remember how long it took me. I don’t blame any of my characters for anything because as a writer, you can’t judge your characters, not even your villains.

What are the elements of thriller you consider a must for every thriller story?

Answer – I think foreshadowing goes a long way. Plus it needs to have a strong emotional core.

Where you love to sit and write when a plot is knitting in your mind? A special surrounding is needed to bring out the plot from mind to paper?

Answer – No just my desk or bed is fine.

How did writing come into your life?

Answer – I wanted to see my name in print.

Who is your favorite thriller author?

Answer – Stephen King.

What are your other passions in life?

I love to do book blogging.

Is thriller your first love in writing or is it different? What genre of writing do you love the most and why?

My first novel was actually a fantasy. I loved writing it. It’s called Who Burned The Moon?

How do you rate yourself as a writer?

Oh I am a bloody good writer. 🙂 Having said that, it’s a reader who should be answering this.