Book Review of The Black Orphan By Hussian S Zaidi

A Book Review of The Black Orphan By Hussian S Zaidi – A Beautiful Love Story Woven into a Tale of Terror and Revenge 


Love stories and thrillers are two entirely different genres. Hence, combining them to create a compelling story is often quite challenging. However, Hussain S. Zaidi has taken up this challenge and has again proved his competence as an accomplished writer.

His book The Black Orphan proves to be an entertaining read for both love story enthusiasts and lovers of thrillers. 

Premise: The Black Orphan

Asiya Khan, a passionate human rights lawyer, crosses paths with Ajay Rajvardhan, the DIG of the National Investigative Agency while defending her client Nazneen. Ajay falls in love with Asiya even as a web of terror and espionage is developing in the city. When one famous nuclear scientist after another is found mysteriously dead, it is believed that a serial killer is on the loose. Despite yearning to spend time with Asiya, Ajay joins the investigating team and finds new clues. He uncovers the involvement of a sleeper cell in the murder of the nuclear scientists. Despite the risk to his life, Ajay decides to uncover the truth, find the perpetrators, and bring them to justice.   

Writing Style: The Black Orphan

Hussain S. Zaidi is a master storyteller. The readers will not find even a single dull moment in the book. The narrative follows a linear style and includes a few flashbacks. These flashbacks help establish the background of a character or a situation. The story is fast-paced, without any pauses or gaps between events. It enhances the readability of the book considerably. 

Character Development: The Black Orphan


The author is known for the realistic presentation of his characters. This makes it easier for the readers to connect with them. The characters of The Black Orphan, are mostly based on real-life people, which proves to be an additional advantage. The layered character of the main protagonist enhances his personality besides adding value to the story. 

Plot: The Black Orphan

The plot is based on the happenings during Operation Neptune Spear conducted by the Indian SEALs. The names of various characters, the places mentioned in the book, and even the events may seem familiar to the readers. The subplot of the budding love story between Ajay and Asiya also lends a uniqueness to the story. 

Final Verdict: The Black Orphan


Hussian S. Zaidi is an accomplished thriller writer. With The Black Orphan, readers can witness his competence as a writer of love stories. I loved reading the book and hence give it a rating of 4.5/5.