A Book Review Of Potpourri By Deepak Kaul #BookMarathon
Posted by admin
On July 09, 2020
A Book Review Of Potpourri By Deepak Kaul

Format: Kindle Version
Pages: 96
Rating: 4.0 on 5
Books are something that I consider as my best friend since my childhood and with the launch of Kindle versions reading turned out to be an easy affair for me. It was hard to resist when I got the offer to review Author Deepak Kaul’s book. Yes, its Potpourri by one of the authors whose distinctive style of writing attracted me earlier also and encouraged me to pick this book for review. Coming to the cover page it indicates that there will be something hilarious to read inside. But when I opened the first-page Oh…. What I found is a collection of 13 short stories. This is not that I expected so it was a new experience for me from Author Deepak.
13 stories depicting 13 expressions of emotion
The first story is on the character of Duryodhan of Mahabharata and a link of the author’s previous book Corpokshetra. It depicts the 2 characters within Duryodhan. One side he is the man who takes pride in proving his strength with action and on the other hand there is a soft and emotional man hidden within. Wonderful story.
The second Story narrates an emotional conversation between two important characters from two key Indian epics, Dussashana and Lakshmana. The conversation was in heaven after the end of the wars in both epic and the conversation gave me the impression how we remained confused in our life losing many fruitful and emotional moments in life and realize it so late.
The third Story represents the cover page very well. Donald Trump Character depicted so well by the author that you will very well connect with his commanding style and approach in real life. I want my fellow book lover friends to read it and cherish every bit of this story.
Story Four I found the most emotional one and seen many people being trapped in such condition in my life. The author narrated a story which represents the pathetic condition of the workers in many overseas countries. The game of football used in a very interesting way in the story and how that lead to a roller coaster experience for them and their families.
We all love being in power and if that is supernatural empowering us to take full control of the world then who will not take advantage of it. But such power takes us through many guilts and pressure for which we regret later and the Fifth story talks about this unique power.
Meeting your old love after decades and the old feelings and memories revive …. How will be the experience for you if it happens with you? The 6th story of the short story series tells the story of meeting past with the present. A definite story which all will love and some of you have already experienced the same in real life.
Now the world is inclining too fast towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) and besides offering advantages it comes with some threats too. The 7th story is something very very different from the first 6 stories of the book.
Desire is one such unique element in human without which one is not complete. Desire can be different from one another although the society makes every possible effort to restrict the concept of this emotion. But can such restriction stop us from achieving or fulfilling the hidden desire deep within the heart? Do read this story of desire the 8th in the series. Took took my heart
It took my heart away and I can feel every bit of the emotional roller coaster ride the little boy in the story experienced in his short-lived life. Happiness faded away all of a sudden and then its just pain, suffering, emotional bleeding and trauma that turned the life of the little kid a journey which we never dream in our life. Such a beautiful story and my favourite in the whole series and the 9th story of the book.
We all have a goal in life and what happens when our goals get tormented brutally making us feel hopeless……. Want to know…. Read the 10th story of the book ” Catch me if you can”.
Hmmm…. So coming to the 11th story one of the burning topics of recent time and yes, you got it right. It’s about the showbiz industry and how artists are exploited even letting the world know the pain they are going through. Do it the story and am sure you will relate to the stories we get to know in recent time about the showbiz world.
Ok … now coming to story 12… Paradise. It’s beautiful just as the story title but with the twist of the scary world. What I can say just read it and do me know how is it.
Number 12, the last story of the book. What will happen if the world is destroyed? The increasing size of the Ozone layer is a threat to the world and the story centres around this fact, giving you a true scary feeling.
If you are in love with short stories then the book, Potpourri will be a perfect pick for you. I already mentioned that I like Deepak’s style of writing and this time also he impressed me completely with such a beautiful bunch of stories with some actual inner meanings. Kudos to Deepak Kaul and expect much more such work from him in coming time.
‘I received a copy from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.’

TOPICS Book ReviewDeepak KaulIndiacafe24Potpourri
Seems an interesting read.
His books have always been interesting
Seems like a good read. Thx for the recommendation.
Wow! you wrote a wonderful, elaborate review.