Is the Internet Safe for My Kid- How to Keep a Check

Is the Internet Safe for My Kid- How to Keep a Check

I believe that worrying about the safety of our kids becomes our second nature once we become parents. However, unlike our parents and their parents, our worries mostly originate in the digital world, rather than the physical one. Let me explain.

Internet has gained a dominating presence in our lives and homes today. Consequently, children today learn to navigate the web from a very young age. With billions of     sites open for exploration, web surfing holds a unique appeal for kids.

However, while we as adults understand the concept of online safety, children are not aware of the same. This has become a cause of concern for countless parents, including myself.  The widespread use of internet among children exposes them to various safety risks.

So, what can we as parents do to minimize this risk and make internet safer for our kids? I will share my experience with you and hope it will help many moms like me.

What Does Safe Internet for Kids Mean?

Let us start by understanding the meaning of safe internet for kids. In my opinion, safe internet enables children to browse the web without exposing themselves to various online risks. A safe internet minimizes the chances of my kid viewing any inappropriate content. It also eliminates the risk of their private data and information being misused by scammers.

Such an environment can make internet a great resource for children to learn and play. Kids can learn to use the wealth of information available online in a responsible manner. I firmly believe that safe internet can also promote the mental, and emotional growth of our children.

How Can We Help Create Safe Internet Environment at Home?

I think that it is our responsibility as parents to help our children understand the importance of online safety. For this, we need to start by creating a safe internet environment at home. Some of you may be wondering how we can do that. Well, the solution is simple!

We first need to educate our little ones about the meaning of internet safety. Thinking that our kids are too small to understand these things is the most critical mistake we make. Instead of doubting their intelligence, we should make them aware of various online threats.  

I also recommend using the various resources available online to improve internet safety for kids. Doing things like activating parental controls on specific websites or blocking inappropriate sites are other options that I have tried.

If your kids are young, I would suggest monitoring their online activities and restricting their screen time. I have observed that most parents today, tend to give in to the demand for a digital device of their young kids. However, I strictly advice against doing so, as it is the first step to exposing them to online risks.

Helping Children Overcome Digital FOMO

An important thing that I have learned as a parent trying to create a safe internet experience for my kids is the digital FOMO they experience. This fear of missing out an interesting experience online increases the risk to the online safety of kids quite significantly. In my experience, this fear is more common among teenage kids and young adults.

Helping children overcome this fear can go a long way in enhancing their online safety. This requires us parents to work hard towards enhancing their sense of excitement and happiness in the physical world. We need to help our kids develop an interest in activities physical and mental activities. These may include playing sports, solving puzzles, reading books, or even interacting face-to-face with people.

Being a parent, I am well-aware that implementing the above strategies is easier said than done. But I am sure that like me, ensuring the online safety of your kids is your top priority. Although it took me some time to inculcate these habits in my children, I was quite satisfied with the results. Not only were they able to overcome their digital FOMO but they also felt more content and energetic.

Try Installing Happinetz– Create the difference in your and your kid’s life

Here are some key features of Happinetz which have helped me create a risk free inter for my children.

1. It creates a separate wi-fi for filtering age-appropriate content.

2. It enables me to set screen time schedules for every device connected to the wi-fi.

3. It monitors more than 100 million websites and apps continuously.

4. It also denies access to more than 22 million sites with inappropriate content.

Safe internet for our kids is our top priority and Happinetz gave us the reason to be tension free and relax.

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