This is going to be my very first BLOGCHATTER A2Z. Well, I am quite thrilled to experience this journey with my fellow blogger friends who all are part of this beautiful community of BLOGCHATTER. So what will be my theme for the season 2023? Majority know me as a book blogger but there are many other subjects or segments which I love exploring and sharing on my blog. I am very passionate about my garden and dedicate a significant part of my day besides professional commitments to gardening. When the flowers bloom I feel like being close to nature and it boosts my energy and happiness. It makes me smile and feel blessed.
So, friends my theme for BLOGCHATTER A2Z20223 will be FLOWERS. I will be posting short blogs of different flowers with names starting with each alphabet. I will talk about different aspects of these flowers, their significance, unknown facts, origin and lot more. I hope you will all love to read my FLORAL blogs and enjoy it.
I am all set to turn APRIL 2023 a more happening, meaningful and creative month for my blogging journey. What will be the flowers ………. wondering? Well, just a few days wait and the names will get revealed one by one. So stay tuned till then. Much Love… Samata

This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z

Love your theme and the inspiration behind it. All the best for A2Z Samata 🙂
Loving the theme! Looking forward to your blog posts!
I love flowers!
Looking forward to learning something new about this element of nature. Good luck